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Tresia Wulandari, tresiawulandari12@gmail.com and H. Rasman Sonjaya, Rasman Sonjaya (2022) EDUKASI LITERASI INFORMASI DI ERA DIGITAL ADAPTASI SMARTPOLITAN DESA WANTILAN KABUPATEN SUBANG. Communnity Development Journal, 3 (2). pp. 733-739. ISSN P-ISSN 2721-4990 | E-ISSN 2721-5008
H. Muchsin al-Fikri, H. Muchsin al-Fikri and Tresia Wulandari, tresiawulandari12@gmail.com and Nur Aini Karimah, Nur Aini Karimah (2022) Implementation of Communipreneur Concept In Development Campus Entreprenial. IKOMIK: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi dan Informasi, 1 (1). pp. 9-15.
Muchsin al-Fikri, enginekeren@yahoo.co.id and Tresia Wulandari, tresiawulandari12@gmail.com and Pupi Indriati Zaelani, Pupi Indriati Zaelani (2022) Political Digital Marketing Strategy in Local Leader Election (Case Study of The Victory of Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum In the West Java Local Leader Election 2018). Proceedings of the Brawijaya International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Technology (BICMST 2020), 456. pp. 215-217.