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Ade Sudrajat, sudrajatade128@gmail.com and Kamal Alamsyah, NIDN. 007076201 and Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) Collaborative Governance as an Effort to Strengthen Corporate Social Responsibility Program in the Health Sector in Bandung. Dialogos, 26 (1). pp. 96-106. ISSN 2177-2940
Soleh Suryadi, suryadisoleh@gmail.com and Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Hery Nariyah, nariyahhery@yahoo.com (2022) The Factors Affecting the Employment Placement Policy in Cirebon City. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change., 7 (3). pp. 36-57.
Kamal Alamsyah, apih.amay007@gmail.com and Taufiq Rachmat Hidayat, Taufiq Rachmat Hidayat and Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN DETEKSI DINI PELAYANAN DASAR MASYARAKAT DI KOTA BEKASI. KHAZANAH MULTIDISIPLIN, 1 (2). pp. 72-89.
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) Implementasi Kebijakan Pajak Reklame pada Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Journal of Public Administration and Government, 3 (1). pp. 21-27.
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Bambang Heru, bambangherupurwanto@unpas.ac.id and Subur Dwiono, dwiono.subur@yahoo.com (2022) Internal Control of Hotel Tax Management in Optimizing the Original Revenue Income in the Pangandaran District. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 7 (9). pp. 298-320.
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Andre Ariesmansyah, andre.ariesmansyah@unpas.ac.id and Asep Kusdiman Jauhari, asep.kusdiman@unpas.ac.id (2022) PARTISIPASI PUBLIK DALAM COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PADA PROGRAM SISTER CITY BANDUNG DAN JEPANG DALAM MENANGGULANGI SAMPAH DI KOTA BANDUNG. Kebijakan: Jurnal Ilmu Administras, 13 (1). pp. 48-64. ISSN E-ISSN: 2656-2820 P-ISSN 1829-5762
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Raditya Pamungkas, Raditya Pamungkas (2022) Performance Evaluation of Tourism Sector Policy in Support of Bandung Creative City. Journal of Social Science Studies, 5 (1). pp. 169-183. ISSN 2329-9150
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Soni Harison, Soni Harison and Kamal Alamsyah, apih.amay007@gmail.com (2022) STRATEGY IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC SERVICE IN THE CAPITAL INVESTMENT AND SERVICE SERVICE INTEGRATED ONE DOOR OF THE BANJAR CITY WEST JAVA PROVINCE. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (7). pp. 2625-2640. ISSN 1475-7192
Soleh Suryadi, suryadisoleh@gmail.com and Arief Maulana, arssy7172@gmail.com and Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Makbul Mansyur, Makbul Mansyur (2022) Strategies for improving Employee’s Competency in Bekasi Highways and Water Resources Government Agency. Italienisch, 11 (1). pp. 235-248. ISSN 0171-4996
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Iwan Satibi, iwan.satibi@unpas.ac.id and Rustandi, Rustandi (2022) ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE ANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE ON JOB SATISFACTION OF MEDICAL AND MEDICAL PERSONNEL AT THE REGIONAL GENERAL HOSPITAL OF CIAMIS DISTRICT. CosmoGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 7 (2). pp. 110-125. ISSN P-ISSN 2442-5958 E-ISSN 2540-8674
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Andre Ariesmansyah, andre.ariesmansyah@unpas.ac.id and Iwan Satibi, iwan.satibi@unpas.ac.id (2022) Pendampingan Aparat Desa Dalam Pengelolaan Kopi Liberika Desa Cipasung Kecamatan Darma Kabupaten Kuningan. COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 3 (1). pp. 50-55. ISSN P-ISSN 2646-5632| E-ISSN 2642-7174 5
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN DESENTRALISASI (Telaah peraturan pemerintah No. 129 Tahun 2000 Tentang Pemekaran Daerah Terhadap Peraturan Penggantinya). LITIGASI, 9 (2). pp. 172-179. ISSN 0853 - 7100
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) KAJIAN PENGEMBANGAN KAPASITAS KELEMBAGAAN DAERAH TERHADAP ARAH KEBIJAKAN UMUM STRATEGI PRIORITAS APBD.1 (Refleksi terhadap Visi dan Misi Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat 2008-2013). WIRAUSAHA, 3 (2). pp. 176-252. ISSN 1693-234X
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) KUALITAS HUBUNGAN ATASAN BAWAHAN. Empathy Jurnal llmu Komunikasi. pp. 692-702. ISSN 0852-5757
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) MENAKAR KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PELAYAANAN PUBLIK PEMERINTAH KOTA BANDUNG. JURNAL HUMANITAS, 1 (2). pp. 155-161. ISSN 1693-2358
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2022) PENGARUH PERENCANAAN FASILITAS DAN KOORDINASI TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN PERSAMPAHAN (Studi Di Kota Bandung, Kabupaten Bandung, Kabupaten Sumedang dan Kota Cimahi). RETORIKA, 2 (2). pp. 113-217. ISSN 0852-5757
Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id (2017) Determination in the District Area Galunggung Sukaratu as Strategic Areas Amusement. Journal of Social Science Studies, 4 (1). pp. 86-96. ISSN 2329-9150