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Soleh Suryadi, suryadisoleh@gmail.com and Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Hery Nariyah, nariyahhery@yahoo.com (2022) The Factors Affecting the Employment Placement Policy in Cirebon City. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change., 7 (3). pp. 36-57.
Soleh Suryadi, suryadisoleh@gmail.com and Arief Maulana, arssy7172@gmail.com and Thomas Bustomi, thomas.bustomi@unpas.ac.id and Makbul Mansyur, Makbul Mansyur (2022) Strategies for improving Employee’s Competency in Bekasi Highways and Water Resources Government Agency. Italienisch, 11 (1). pp. 235-248. ISSN 0171-4996
Afni Z, afni131028@gmail.com and Soleh Suryadi, suryadisoleh@gmail.com and Yaya Mulyana Abdul Azis, mulyana_yaya@yahoo.com and Bambang Heru Purwanto, bambangherupurwanto@ymail.com (2022) The Role of Transglobal Leadership for Forest and Land Fire Control in Riau Province. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 9 (5). pp. 364-387.