Use of Learning Video Media in Biology Education Subjects

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Cartono Cartono


Video-based learning has great potential for the future of learning, including biology lessons. This research aims to evaluate the use and development of videos in biology education along with the challenges that will be faced in the future in video learning media in biology education. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results show that the use of videos can effectively improve student achievement and encourage them to participate actively. The video format can be adjusted to suit learning needs, but educators need skills to optimize advantages and overcome disadvantages. Biology learning videos have been widely developed and proven to be valid. Learning methods such as Problem Based Learning and Guided Inquiry can be integrated to provide a more focused learning structure. Future challenges faced in learning with video media include accurate and relevant content, accessibility and availability of infrastructure, interactivity and student involvement, production quality and creativity, suitability to student diversity needs, evaluation and measurement of effectiveness, continuous maintenance and updating, and aspects ethics and privacy.

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