“News about Omnibus Law” (An Analysis of Diction on Omnibus Law News Lead in Kompas.com). Helmi Hesnawati: 177010062

Helmi Hesnawati, Dr. H. Wawan Setiawan, M.Sn. (2022) “News about Omnibus Law” (An Analysis of Diction on Omnibus Law News Lead in Kompas.com). Helmi Hesnawati: 177010062. Skripsi(S1) thesis, Sastra Inggris.

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This study is called “Diction News About Omnibus Law” (An Analysis Diction on Omnibus Law News Lead in Kompas.com). The main purpose of this study is analyze the dictions of Omnibus Law that are used by some lead news in Kompas.com. The writer used a qualitative method in analyzing the data. The diction is analyzed using the theory by Keraf G, (1996:24) which draws diction into three categories, which are the word choice, the nuance of the words, and the vocabulary of the language. There are five lead news which are selected to be analyzed in this study. The writer chose those lead news because it uses “omnibus” word as the main subject of the news. Based on the analysis, the word “omnibus” is used according the context of the lead news. It is also shown that the nuance of the situation affect the vocabulary of the language that are used by the writer of the news. It is concluded that diction is used based on the word choice and the nuance of the situation by the writer of the lead news to aid understanding to the readers in general. So based on this research question is How Kompas diction in the news lead of the RUU Cipta Kerja? And there are three data that obtained from the research; based on the word choice (ratified, insist to finish, bill job’s creation, refused, national strike movement). Based on the nuance (legislative, democrative). Based on vocabulary language (noun, verb, adjective and adverb). Keywords: “Omnibus” law, diction, kompas.com, word choice, nuance, vocabulary of the language

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi(S1))
Subjects: S1-Skripsi
Divisions: Fakultas Seni dan Sastra > Sastra Inggris 2022
Depositing User: oman rohman
Date Deposited: 01 Jul 2022 06:43
Last Modified: 01 Jul 2022 06:43
URI: http://repository.unpas.ac.id/id/eprint/57875

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